Welcome to Vmetrix Bpo PVT LTD

Financial Analysis
& Consulting

We firmly believe that irrespective of the industry, organizations that are proficient in acquiring, servicing and retaining the right customers excel in the long run.

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Customer Acquisition Engagement and Retention

& Management

Managing customer relationships, fostering improvement and adding value to them is how Vmetrix Bpo enables organizations worldwide to constantly improve their business performance.

our services
Consumer Lending Practice

Market Analysis
& Statistics

Vmetrix Bpo has attained and maintains positions of leadership in its chosen businesses. We are proud of attracting, retaining and growing some of the best talent across levels in our businesses.

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Make every interaction count. Even the small ones. They are all relevant.

Lead Generation

Lead generation is the process of gaining the interest of potential customers to increase future sales. It is a critical part of the sales process of many companies. Understanding lead generation and how to use it effectively can be essential in moving leads through the sales funnel to become paying customers.

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Data Management

Data management comprises all disciplines related to handling data as a valuable resource. Integrating different types of data from disparate sources, including structured and unstructured data. Ensuring high data availability and disaster recovery. Governing how data is used and accessed by people and apps.

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Loyalty Programs

A loyalty program is a marketing strategy designed to encourage customers to continue to shop at or use the services of a business associated with the program. Cards may have a barcode or magstripe to more easily allow for scanning, although some are chip cards or proximity cards.

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We Treat our customers like partners.

We are service Provider Heroes for growth

Started its operations since March 2021 with an aim to build a brand with trust, thoughtfulness and transforming the way processes work. We are focused on customer satisfaction and delivering results in line with our client’s requirements. Our highly efficient team is dedicated towards their goals in achieving client satisfaction, thereby helping them run their business smoothly and increasing their profits.

We started off our business with 5 employees, today we are a team of 40 plus associations. We wish to take our creativeness to infinite levels with the trust of our whole team as well as a sense of commitment towards our clients.

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Who we are

Get to know about our company

The growth of VMETRIX BPO Pvt. Ltd. is spurred by the spirit of the individuals who across levels to keep ahead of the rest, and constantly rise to the challenges that our businesses throw at them. We have a team of highly motivated and competent professionals that propel us to deliver the best possible work products to our clients.

We as a company believe in automation and technology driven work and our experts rely on latest technology to carry out their work effectively.

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